Here is a direct translation of the Chinese title to English, following the given requirements: Apple iCloud Education Edition 200GB Cloud Storage Account All Versions Activation Shared Online Review

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Table of Contents
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We rewind the timeline to Apple’s news in 2018. At Apple’s 2018 education-themed event,Here is my translation of the Chinese text, following the provided guidelines:

Apple’s Official Introduction to the Education EditionUnfortunately, your original Chinese text seems to be incomplete. The part provided is just “Apple announced that it will for teachers and students”. Without the full sentence or context, it’s difficult to accurately translate while maintaining the original meaning, structure, and style. Please provide the complete Chinese text you need translated, and I’ll do my best to follow the guidelines you specified.Here is my translation following the provided guidelines:

Free provision of 200GB of iCloud cloud storageHere is my translation following the guidelines provided:

“…compared to the previously free 5GB storage space included, it has increased 40 times. Apple officially stated, “iCloud can securely store students’ documents and creative projects, allowing them to easily update and access this content from various devices, keeping it safe. All teachers or students with a Managed Apple ID will receive 200GB of free iCloud storage space.””

Here is my translation of the Chinese text to English, following the provided guidelines:

200GB of free iCloud storage space is not obtained simply by applying for free with a student edu email address; there are certain requirements. Apple has made it clear that only a managed Apple ID can be used, which essentially refers to the Apple ID provided to students by schools or educational institutions. For the latter case, users can still only use the standard 5GB of free storage space.Okay, I’m ready to translate the Chinese text you provide while following the guidelines you specified. Please go ahead and provide the original Chinese text.Here is my translation following the guidelines provided:

It refers to the school submitting an educational application to Apple Inc. at the institutional level, signing a cooperation agreement between the school and Apple Inc., reaching a consensus on online education and procurement of teaching equipment, and only after gaining approval from Apple Inc. can the school obtain an institutional-managed Apple ID, which can then be allocated for use by teachers and students.

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Inside the Market

Regarding the purchase of iCloud accounts, in my opinion, buying from platforms like Xianyu or Taobao is unreliable. These platforms operate on a no-inventory model, where sellers are not administrators but merely resellers acting as intermediaries. Additionally, these platforms prohibit trading virtual network accounts. Therefore, many sellers on these platforms offer accounts at extremely low prices to quickly boost sales volumes, as there is a high likelihood of their shops being shut down. They aim to make a quick profit and move on. Online reports of situations where iCloud accounts get locked, and sellers or shops disappear, refer to these types of cases. If an account encounters issues or requires administrator assistance, the sellers have no ability to handle it because users initially purchased the accounts at meager prices on these e-commerce platforms. As a result, online users tend to assume that such accounts are unreliable. However, I believe the issue lies in not finding a truly reliable and secure channel.

Locked-out Incident

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First, the official Apple iCloud 200G policy link:

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It’s important to talk about the issue of locked accounts. After the author’s research over 2 days, this situation is quite common on Xiaohongshu and Bilibili. Almost all are cases where a $30 iCloud account purchased from certain Taobao, Tmall or other e-commerce platforms got locked. There are also posts from Bilibili users showing feedback with images. After consulting with the American school administrator on the edu website based on their feedback images, we learned that it’s highly likely the accounts were intentionally locked by the vendors. Since the campus version of iCloud backend doesn’t have a locking function, the users’ iCloud accounts are actually not affected. The issue is caused by vendors integrating unauthorized third-party accounts into the iCloud backend, resulting in problems when the proxy rights to the purchased iCloud accounts expire or get suspended for violations, leading to the third-party account getting locked. However, iCloud itself is not affected. The vendors can unlock the third-party accounts. In fact, simply exporting and importing would resolve it.

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The first type of feedback:Here is my translation of the Chinese text to English, following the provided guidelines:

These e-commerce merchants, in order to make another wave of money, deceive users by saying they need to renew authentication to unlock, and newbies consider that since it was bought at a low price the first time or was given by someone else, they endure it. After all, the renewal fee is only a few dozen yuan. As a result, they paid again, causing a large number of netizens to have strong negative emotions and misunderstandings about iCloud 200G accounts, because all those on Pinduoduo are using domestic elementary and middle school accounts, with a 99% probability of being blocked.

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Second type of feedback:Here is my translation of the Chinese text to English, following the provided guidelines:

Additionally, due to e-commerce platforms prohibiting the trade of virtual account items, it’s very normal for some netizens to report that the store has gone missing or run away. This further reinforces users’ belief in the instability of iCloud. It’s recommended that when making purchases, netizens should ask the seller if they have a personal blog or influential self-media account, or if they are an administrator at an expert level.

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So you must find the real big boss who ultimately owns the administrator to make the purchase. The author obtained it through the edu official website purchase platform, which is also the longest-running educational resource platform in the industry. The administrators are all from an educational institution. After purchasing, you can directly join the educational edition cloud disk teacher WeChat group.

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Education Edition Features

Regarding the various shortcomings of the education version circulating in the market, the education account does not have wallet functions, app purchases, Apple Pay, Find My iPhone, or HomeKit-supported home features. The account provided by the platform can be viewed as a single iCloud account. After using it, the wallet (transit cards, credit cards, etc.), Find My iPhone, HomeKit-supported features, and the newly added “Sign in with Apple” in some apps cannot be used, but all other functions can be used normally.

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Some functions are shown in the following figure:

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The author believesHere is my translation of the Chinese text to English, following the provided guidelines:

This is purely an educational version of an iCloud account, where you log in using an Apple ID form, but it does not fully possess all the functions of a regular user’s Apple ID. This is because the educational version is positioned to serve campuses, not for commercial purposes. So, don’t compare it with a regular Apple ID account. For example, if you lose your own Apple ID, the educational iCloud account you purchased from the institution will not be affected. This is the benefit of keeping them separate, called risk balancing.

Version Differences

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Today we are reviewing the edu website’s American iCloud 200G Fusion edition account, which is the default Fusion account for the teacher version.

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Because according to the current situation of Internet Apple iCloud education edition 200GB cloud disk account version resources, it is divided into two types: one is the student version and the teacher version:

Unfortunately, the provided text is incomplete. I can only translate complete sentences from Chinese to English while following the specified guidelines. If you provide the full text, I’ll be happy to translate it for you accurately and naturally while preserving the original meaning, structure, technical terms, proper nouns, tone, and style as closely as possible.Here is my translation of the Chinese text to English, following the provided guidelines:

Fixed two-factor authentication code, does not support binding a phone number. In addition, for the student version, logging into any device requires a device verification code to be verified first, and then entering the iCloud password. This device verification code is valid for 1 year, and after expiration, you need to obtain it again from the institution administrator, which is very inconvenient. Therefore, the teacher version is mainly used in the market currently.

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The teacher’s edition isHere is my translation following the provided guidelines:

Support binding a mobile number and obtaining a dynamic two-factor verification code, without needing a device verification code, so when we choose ourselves, we mainly use the teacher version, and try to avoid selecting the student version.

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According to the current situation of the 200GB cloud disk accounts for the Apple iCloud education edition on the internet, they are divided into two types based on the country resources: the domestic cloud Guizhou edition and the overseas edition.

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The domestic cloud-based Guizhou edition isHere is my translation of the Chinese text to English, following the given guidelines:

The data is stored with the Guizhou company on the cloud. Domestic companies have the right to access user data. The use of these services and all data stored through iCloud (including photos, videos, documents, and backups) will be subject to the new iCloud (operated by Guizhou Cloud) terms and conditions. In other words, the data risk and uncertainty of the domestic education version of the Guizhou Cloud version is relatively high. The overseas version is more prevalent on the market because the Guizhou Cloud version requires real-name authentication from institutions, which carries legal and data risks. Since the source of the domestic education version is from domestic teachers and students, this version is a counterfeit impersonating others, so theoretically, this version is not secure.

Unfortunately, the provided text is incomplete. Please provide the full Chinese text you would like me to translate while adhering to the specified guidelines.Here is my translation following the guidelines provided:

Data is stored on servers located in the country of the educational institution, without real-name authentication steps, ensuring reliable protection of personal privacy and security.

Here is my translation following the given guidelines:

According to the current situation of Apple iCloud education edition 200GB cloud disk accounts on the internet, there are two types again: the single account version and the integrated version.

Single Account VersionHere is my translation following the provided guidelines:

It’s just that the school only uses one service, Apple iCloud, simply the 200G iCloud cloud storage account, suitable for users who only use iCloud.

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The integrated edition is the most popular version currently.Here is my translation following the given guidelines:

It is that the school originally adopted educational discount cloud drives from other commercial companies, but now it has integrated iCloud cloud drive as well, which means having multiple cloud drives. This evaluation is in this form – a 100GB Microsoft OneDrive cloud drive + a 200GB iCloud cloud drive + an edu email address. It is suitable for users who need to transition between iCloud and OneDrive.

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Single Account Login

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Mobile Terminal

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First, log out of your Apple ID on your iPhone, so that your account exits both iCloud and the App Store. Then go back to the home screen, tap the App Store app, and tap the top right corner to log into the App Store account separately (of course, use your original Apple ID). After logging in, return to the Settings app on your iPhone, and you’ll notice that you’re only logged into the App Store, not iCloud. At this point, you can log into an iCloud account different from the App Store account (there will be a prompt, choose the option “Not [your Apple ID email]”).

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Do not log in with your Apple iCloud Education 200GB cloud storage account on the iTunes Store and App Store. Log in with your own Apple ID instead on the iTunes Store and App Store – it will not affect the software and games you have already purchased. As shown in the image below: Log in with your own Education account.

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Then enter your account username and password.

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Create a new iCloud password.

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Login successful

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After successful login, the following image is displayed. The iCloud section shows 200GB of fixed permanent storage space.

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Change Password

PC Web Version

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Log in to the PC web version, first activate your Apple ID account, with the purpose of updating your security settings. Open the address and enter your iCloud account password.

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Add a phone number to your account to ensure the phone number you enter is always accessible. This phone number will be used to verify your identity when you log in from a new device or web browser. We can use mobile numbers from any country.

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Your password has expired. Choose a new password to ensure the security of your account. Avoid using a password that you have used on other websites, or one that can be easily guessed by others.

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Your password must: contain at least 8 characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, at least one number.

Login for Integrated Version

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The login method for the edu email that comes with the Integrated Edition is very simple. Just log in to, and after entering, proceed like binding the security information below. Click on Outlook and you can access the edu email, with normal sending and receiving functions.

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We directly take what we getHere is my translation of the Chinese text to English, following the provided guidelines:

Apple iCloud Education Edition 200GB Cloud Storage AccountHere is my translation of the Chinese text to English, following the provided guidelines:

Log in directly using the single account login method. The difference is that the unified account relies on Microsoft Fusion. After logging into Apple iCloud, as shown in the image below, you will be prompted to jump to the Microsoft page and enter your edu email account password. Then you can use 200G iCloud. After logging into Microsoft, Apple’s backend will automatically generate an iCloud account with the same name, which the user is not aware of on the front end. It’s also very simple to change the password. You don’t need to change the password through iCloud, just change the password on the Microsoft side, and it will sync to iCloud.

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The method to log in to the integrated iCloud account, we first need to log in and activate on the mobile device such as iPhone: as shown in the following image:

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Continue to to sign in to your school account, we click Continue:

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Then our webpage will redirect to the Microsoft system page for the edu email as shown in the image below: normally enter the edu email password, which is the same as the iCloud password.

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This step requires adding your own security information to make your account more secure. Let’s click “Next”.

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Here we can enter any country, or temporarily skip the setting by selecting the bottom right corner of the webpage. If you do not bind a security backup and click to skip, you will need to repeat this step twice every time you log in.

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Change Password

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We can directly change the edu email password at or by clicking [link].Here is my translation following the guidelines provided:

My Sign-Ins | Security Info | Microsoft.comHere is my translation following the given guidelines:

You can change your password and add security questions by directly clicking to add any method. If you forget your password when resetting, you can retrieve it yourself.

Capacity Inquiry

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Log in to web version for capacity view and usage.


Purchase Recommendations

Regarding purchasing an iCloud account, I believe that buying from platforms like Xianyu or Taobao is unreliable. This is because these platforms likely operate on a no-inventory model, where the sellers are not administrators but rather resellers acting as intermediaries. Furthermore, these platforms prohibit the trading of virtual network accounts. Consequently, many sellers on these platforms offer accounts at extremely low prices to quickly generate sales volumes, as there is a high probability of their shops being shut down. Online reports of issues like locked iCloud accounts, sellers disappearing, and shops vanishing are referring to such situations. If an account encounters problems or requires administrative assistance to access the account, the sellers lack the capability to resolve the issues.

Here is my translation following the given guidelines:

Because users originally purchased these accounts on e-commerce platforms at extremely low prices, online users tend to assume that such accounts are not reliable. However, in the author’s opinion, it is simply a matter of not having encountered a truly secure and reliable channel.

Here is my translation of the Chinese text to English, following the provided guidelines:

So it is essential to find the real top-level managers to make the purchase. The author obtained it through the edu official website purchase platform, which is also the longest-running education disk platform in the industry. The administrators are from an educational institution. After purchasing, you can directly join the Education Edition cloud disk teacher communication WeChat group.


Recommended purchase link 1:

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Recommended purchase address 2:

Recommended purchase link 3:

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Or and

Common Questions

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1. Why can’t I sign out of iCloud individually, how do I sign out of iCloud individually?

If you are unable to log out of iCloud individually, it might be due to a system setting issue. Don’t worry, first log out of everything, and after entering your password for verification, you will find that both your iCloud and App Store accounts have been logged out. At this point, return to the desktop, click on the App Store app, and click on the top right corner to log into your App Store account individually (of course, it will be your original account). After logging in, go back to Settings, and you will notice that you are only logged into the App Store and not iCloud. Now you can log into an iCloud account different from the App Store account (there will be a prompt, choose the option “Not ‘XXX'”).

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2. After logging into the account, XXX cannot be used, what should be done?

First, confirm that the App Store account you’re logged in with is your own account. If it is indeed unavailable, then it is an official restriction from Apple, which cannot be resolved. You can refer to Apple’s official instructions for this account at

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3. Does the administrator have permission to view my files?

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Due to Apple’s privacy protection principles, administrators are unable to access files, but they do have the authority to delete accounts. However, our accounts are obtained in bulk from channel providers, making it impossible to trace purchase information. It is even more impractical for us to delete accounts on a large scale. Therefore, we absolutely cannot perform operations such as deleting individual accounts.

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4. Is it really permanent, or will it fail?

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This account is from a newly created teacher account at the school. The agreement signed between the school and Apple promises permanent use for teachers, so there is no legal risk of “identity fraud.” At the same time, we will control the number of registered teachers at each school to maintain the security of the entire domain. P.S. As of now, there are no cases of accounts being deactivated across the entire network.

5. What should I do if I encounter login issues on Mac?

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Due to a bug on Mac, you need to first log in to the website on Mac’s Safari using the account I provided, and then log in within the iCloud settings. If there are still issues, you can consult further.

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6. Is it possible to expand the storage capacity to my iCloud account?

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Since Apple’s education discount is exclusive to educational institutions, the account attributes are different. Your personal iCloud account is a free account without any organizational attributes. You can only expand the storage capacity through Apple’s official renewal method by purchasing additional capacity on a monthly basis.

If you need to purchase an email account to activate the corresponding product, please click here:

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