SCI Submission System Website Hindawi Journals Registration Tutorial Using edu Email Address

Preface Introduction

At present, SCI paper submissions are all made through online submission systems, including but not limited to ScholarOne Manuscripts, Editorial Manager, Elsevier Editorial System, and Hindawi. Below is a summary of the widely used ones that we will introduce. Firstly, let’s talk about the common top publishing groups in the world:Elsevier、Springer、Willey、ACM、IEEE、Frontier、Taylor&Francis、HindawiWait, wait,Hindawi is one of the world’s largest peer-reviewed journal publishers with fully open accessIt has over 200 journals under its umbrella, covering open access research in various core scientific fields, including engineering, computer science, and biological sciences, including 15 journals jointly published by Wiley Hindawi. Hindawi focuses on serving scientific researchers and has thousands of academic editors distributed in branches around the world, ensuring high-quality services for paper authors while maintaining stable publishing standards and editorial credibility. Hindawi’s fundamental principle is “open research makes science the most effective”, therefore we are committed to collaborating with academic communities to promote open academic research for global readers.

Website registration

get intoSubmission system registration address Alternatively, click on Sign up to register an account and complete the processStar symbol*Required fields; The password must be at least 6 characters long and contain both uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

As shown in the following figure:

Fill in the contact person for affiliation, and write the email as the US edu email. To verify the email activation account, you need to go to the email activation, as shown in the following figure:

Email verification

If you need to purchase an email account to activate the corresponding product, please click here:

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